The lists in these pages are not comprehensive. If you have any suggestions, please email me to add them.

Coming Out in the Workplace as Transgender

HRC highlights some of the benefits and consequences of coming out as transgender in the workplace and provides guidance for those who choose to disclose their gender identity with others. This resource reinforces that there is no “right” way to come out in the workplace.

Know Your Rights: Transgender Workplace Rights

Know Your Rights is a project of Lambda Legal and its focus on workplace rights highlights the story of Vandy Beth Glenn, a trans woman who lost her job in Georgia after coming out to her supervisor. It also has a FAQ that answers questions about ENDA, federal employees, and union policies.

Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace: Recommended Policies and Practices

HRC has developed sample policies for companies that need guidance to changes nondiscrimination policies, establish transition guidelines, update personnel records, and more.