Finding Balance: The Journey Towards Equanimity and Acceptance
Hi Everyone! Frank Baird, LMFT, LPCC, CMT-P, and Vivian Hermiz, JD, CMT-P, facilitate weekly Resilience classes online. In this class, we explore equanimity and acceptance. Finding mental calmness and balance can seem elusive in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. Yet, the pursuit of equanimity and acceptance offers a path to a more harmonious and joyful life. Equanimity involves mental calmness, composure, and an evenness of temper. It’s not about being free from reactivity but rather experiencing less reactivity and greater awareness. Join us for a discussion and practice.
Our Resilience Classes are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, these classes offer a space for growth and learning. No prior knowledge or skill is needed to benefit or practice. The straightforward instructions are great for beginners considering starting and excellent for advanced practitioners who want to grow.
Check the Calendar to attend this class live. When you do, you can participate in community and conversation about the practices in our lives. Or contact me for information about and to join the next class.